1920: The Harlem Renaissance

Big Idea

As a result of the Great Migration and the changes that World War I brought to America, African American writers, poets, singers, and artists converged upon New York City with a different attitude toward life and their relationship to their country. What resulted was a great outpouring of artistic expression and Black pride.

Art in Action

African American artistic, literary, musical, and dramatic outpouring emerged as African Americans moved North and West, came together, and argued, created, and formed ideas about what the future of the African Americans in the United States should be. Termed the Harlem Renaissance, Alain Locke’s The New Negro formed the initial anthology introducing their work to the wider world.

His anthology represented a newly organized and empowered group of intellectuals who as historian Jonathan Scott Holloway (1995) noted, “believed they had proven their worthiness and deserved their place at the table. They no longer had to wait passively for white benefaction to fear their own ‘blackness.’ Compared to their predecessors, the New Negroes were politically aggressive, culturally articulate, and urbane” (p. 60).

Some of the more well known works by Black participants in this Renaissance are listed below:

  • Writers:

    • Zora Neale Hurston

    • Langston Hughes

    • Claude McKay

    • Nella Larsen

    • Countee Cullen

    • Jean Toomer

    • Jessie Fauset

    • Aaron Douglas

  • Dancer: Josephine Baker

  • Political activist: Marcus Garvey

  • Jazz composer: Duke Ellington

  • Blueswoman: Bessie Smith


Want to learn more? Watch the video below on the Harlem Renaissance.

Video from Crash Course African History on the Harlem Renaissance.

Your Turn

Why does the Harlem Renaissance occur when it does? What did it represent in the African American communities?


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