STL Neighbors

The longer I live, the more deeply I learn that love — whether we call it friendship or family or romance — is the work of mirroring and magnifying each other’s light.
— James Baldwin

What is STL Neighbors?

The STL Neighbors section represents collaborative knowledge building with our St. Louis community members.


The research section represents ongoing collaborative knowledge building initiatives between St. Louis University’s service-learning students and members of the St. Louis community.

Local Artists

The local artists section highlights key Black artists from St. Louis.


The neighborhoods section highlights neighborhood partners and areas where we are conducting local historical research and gathering oral histories.

  • Two people working together using a whiteboard


    Community research projects created by SLU students.

  • image of a group of musical instruments behind held up in the air. guitar, base, drum symbol, keyboard, and electric guitar featured.

    Local Artists

    Stories and opportunities to engage with Saint Louis’ artists.

  • areal image of a city neighborhood


    Neighborhood organizations and partners we work with.